
Man was made in the image of a “creative” God.

All we see around us is an expression of God’s majesty and splendor. Romans 1:19-20 even tells us that God’s attributes, power, and divine nature are expressed and seen though His creative masterpiece. There is probably no greater way for believers to reveal the splendor of our Savior than through the Arts.  At SCCS we help develop these talents in such a way as to not bring vain glory to the individual but praise to the Lord Jesus Christ.

In the elementary program, we encourage creative expression through visual art, music and band pull-out times within school hours  and elementary choir. Secondary students have the opportunity to pursue their interests in photography/graphic arts, yearbook, creative writing, performing arts/drama, choir, drawing class, and worship band. The entire campus and community are blessed through art festivals, choir performances, drama productions, and worship times.


  • Culinary Arts: The Culinary Arts program at SCCS is a fine art elective offered for high school students. SCCS is the only school in the state to be able to offer this as a fine arts class. Students learn the science behind menu making, portions, international cuisine, the science of food preparation, the history of food and its cultural importance, the importance of critical assessments, and artistic expression through food presentation and menu design.


  • Choir: The 50-member, SCCS Concert Choir performs sacred and secular music from every major period, while relating lessons and spiritual truths to people today. The SCCS Concert Choir performs throughout the year on and off campus. They have toured Northern and Southern California, Seattle,  New York City and will travel to Sydney, Australia this spring. They have participated in Disneyland’s Candlelight Festival and have been the invited guest of City of Hope fundraisers and numerous churches throughout Southern California.
    The SCCS Concert Choir is under the direction of Susi Johnson. Mrs. Johnson is the head of the music program at SCCS and directs the Voices of Praise Choir at Grace Baptist Church in Santa Clarita, California. Susi holds a Bachelor of Music Degree from The Master’s University and studied under the direction of Dr. Paul T Plew. Mrs. Johnson has sung in Germany, Spain, as well as Carnagie Hall. She is also the choral director and staff accompanist of “Songs of Summer,” a summer music camp for young singers.


Teaching Minds, Training Hearts for God

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations."
Matthew 28:19a

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(661) 252-7371
27249 Luther Drive
Santa Clarita, CA 91351

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