Daniel Duncan

Daniel is currently 34 years old and graduated from SCCS in 2002. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from San Diego Christian College and continued on to receive his MBA from Liberty University.
“SCCS helped me to be a well-rounded leader,” shared Daniel. “Because of its size, I got the opportunity to play several sports, participate in ASB leadership, connect with spiritual leadership, academic opportunities, and even try (and fail) at one of the theatre performances. At SCCS, I got a good grounding in my faith, which developed habits and patterns that I still rely on today. My absolute favorite teacher was Mr. Edick.”
Daniel is currently a US Air Force fighter pilot. He and his family have been stationed in Germany, Korea, South Carolina and Texas.
Daniel and his wife, Bethany have a 1-1/2-year-old son named Fisher and they currently live in Las Vegas. The Duncans attend GracePoint Church in Las Vegas, Nevada.