Daniel Duncan

Daniel is currently 34 years old and graduated from SCCS in 2002. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from San Diego Christian College and continued on to receive his MBA from Liberty University.

“SCCS helped me to be a well-rounded leader,” shared Daniel. “Because of its size, I got the opportunity to play several sports, participate in ASB leadership, connect with spiritual leadership, academic opportunities, and even try (and fail) at one of the theatre performances. At SCCS, I got a good grounding in my faith, which developed habits and patterns that I still rely on today. My absolute favorite teacher was Mr. Edick.”

Daniel is currently a US Air Force fighter pilot. He and his family have been stationed in Germany, Korea, South Carolina and Texas.

Daniel and his wife, Bethany have a 1-1/2-year-old son named Fisher and they currently live in Las Vegas. The Duncans attend GracePoint Church in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Teaching Minds, Training Hearts for God

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations."
Matthew 28:19a

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(661) 252-7371
27249 Luther Drive
Santa Clarita, CA 91351

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