This week, SCCS elementary students were encouraged and their knowledge of scripture deepened during Spiritual Emphasis Week, and daily chapel studies. Pastor Steve Jackson from Faith Community Church taught on the book of Proverbs and “Choosing the Way of Wisdom”.
“The goal of this week was to help our students understand that choosing God’s wisdom is the path toward blessing, long life and peace,” shared Campus Pastor Wiley Kennedy. “We helped students understand how God’s wisdom is lived out in the real world.”
Teaching for the week defined wisdom, the worth of wisdom, how it is sought and what it looks like in various areas of our lives. Daily themes included:
Day 1: What is wisdom? Will you choose to follow Lady Wisdom or Lady Folly?
Day 2: The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom
Day 3: Choosing Wise Words
Day 4: Choosing Wise Work
Day 5: Choosing Friends Wisely
“I learned about Lady Wisdom and Lady Folly,” shared Kaylin Aispuro, 3rd grade student. “If you follow Lady Folly you just do whatever you want. Bad guys listen to Lady Folly.”
To further the application of the truth taught during the week, after daily teaching, students were paired up to discuss various questions such as “What is the difference between being smart and being wise?”, “How does fearing the Lord help us stay away from evil?”, “How do our words reveal what is in our hearts?” and “Why is it important to choose your friends wisely?”
As we teach minds and train hearts for God, SCCS seeks to mature young boys and girls in their relationship with Him. Our greatest desire is to see each young person love the LORD their God with all their heart, soul and mind. These values are strengthened and pursued by weekly chapels and reinforced in the classroom.
SCCS’ youngest learners dug into different Proverbs and sought the truth of Scripture to help them understand wisdom and God’s way. They learned that wisdom is more precious than jewels and can’t be compared with any possible desire. This will help prepare them for their future at SCCS and beyond.
“Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold. She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her.” – Proverbs 3:13-15