Next Monday, October 29th from 6:30 to 8:30 SCCS will be hosting Family Science Night! This STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) event is all about family fun and hands-on science and learning. “Family Science Night is a wonderful way to get your kids excited about science,” shared Curriculum Director Lynn Kistler. “We have two STEM-related events per year, and we hope to spark excitement in our students about our STEM Expo in the spring.”

SCCS has partnered with Mad Science, a STEM focused school enrichment provider, to put on display the wonders of science, as well as perform interactive activities. “Family Science Night is a fun opportunity for students to learn and explore,” shared Mrs. Kistler.  “Mad Science Scientists will put on an engaging performance called “Marvels in Motion” that our students will not forget! They will be demonstrating several exciting experiments about Newton’s Laws of Motion.  Students will also have the opportunity to try a hands-on dry ice experiment and make their own silly putty.” Elementary students were able to enjoy a chapel featuring Mad Science last month and are excited to have them back.

Students have already been learning many of these theories and scientific principles this year in the classroom. All SCCS science courses, from elementary to high school, have a focus on STEM. “In our ever-changing and highly technological society, we believe it is important to equip our students for the world they will live in as 

adults,” added Mrs. Kistler. “STEM careers are growing at an extremely fast rate. STEM provides students with excellent hands-on, critical thinking, discovery-based skills that will help them throughout their years in school and beyond. Even for students who will not pursue a career in one of these fields, these skills are important to be successful life-long learners and critical thinkers.”

SCCS aims for students to think scientifically yet still Biblically, which in-turn makes the science curriculum very different from other schools. “At SCCS, our science curriculum is very unique because it is taught through the lens of a Biblical worldview,” shared Mrs. Kistler. “Students are taught and get to experience the various aspects of science, and they also learn that God is the Creator and Sustainer of all things, which provides meaning and purpose to what they learn in science.  Students also learn how to discern and think critically through other theories and ideas. They are taught to measure all theories through God’s Word.”

Family Science Night will be held in the gym for grades K-8 th. The cost is $7 a student with a max of $20 per family (for families with 3 or more students); adults are free to accompany their students. 

Look for more information coming in December about our Spring STEM Expo to be held March 15, 2019.