Last week, SCCS third grade students explored Sea World during the 15th annual grade overnight field trip.

“This special trip allows us to learn about God’s creation and how we need to take care of the world so animals can survive,” shared Mrs. Mothershead, Third grade teacher.  “We learned how Sea World is helping ocean animals and about all the animals they have rescued. The children love marching around Sea World, singing silly songs, and just hanging out with classmates and parents.”

On Wednesday, February 12, the group arrived at Sea World at 5:30pm, were given t-shirts and enjoyed dinner together. Next, they attended four classes about various ocean creatures such as sea turtles, sea lions, orca whales and rays. 

“Each class was a hands-on experience,” continued Mrs. Mothershead. “Whether we were feeding rays and sea lions, dressing up as a sea lion, making turtle soap, or learning about the layer of blubber that a whale has by wrapping our finger with clay and submerging it into a bucket of cold water – we got to experience learning in a fresh way.”

The next morning, students and chaperones alike had breakfast and families were given the opportunity to stay all day and see what they wanted of Sea World. 

“Every student at SCCS looks forward to the Sea World field trip as a fun tradition, one that has been going on for years,” shared Mrs. Mothershead. “During this trip, I get to see new friendships develop as classmates spend time together outside of the classroom and have fun together. Watching the students learn new things about animals of the ocean while doing hands-on activities, is so fun. So many times during the trip, I heard ‘wow! I didn’t know that!’ – and as a teacher, it gives me great joy to see learning come to life for my students.”