Last week, 10th grade girls focused on creative ways to share Christ with others. Their teacher, Mrs. Jones, is working through evangelism with the class and what that looks like in their lives.

“It is vitally important that students share about Jesus and the gospel with their unbelieving friends and family,” shared Mrs. Jones. “We want to help them develop tools and practice doing so. The assignment was for the girls to create a tract, cube or something of their choosing that would be a tool to use to tell someone else about Christ. I showed them some examples from a previous year.”

This project creatively encouraged students to be comfortable sharing their faith. Within each tract, Bible verses were included to help walk people through the truth about salvation in God’s Word.

“Mrs. Kennedy had done this with her class in the past and students respond well and enjoy the process,” continued Mrs. Jones.

“After the girls presented their projects to the class, they worked in groups of three taking turns practicing with their own project. As part of the lesson, the girls had to come up with 2-3 people in their own lives that they could talk to about Christ.”

At SCCS, students are not only taught about the theology behind sharing their faith but they are also given ideas and tools for practical application of that knowledge.

“My prayer is that the tool they made will help them share their faith to the people currently in their lives who don’t know Jesus,” shared Mrs. Jones. “My favorite thing about teaching Bible is to see them learn something new about the Bible and grow in their relationship with Christ.”