Major Josh Masopust

USAF, 61st Fighter Squadron, Luke AFB, Arizona. Josh is currently 33 years old and graduated from SCCS in 2002.

“Upon my graduation from SCCS, God orchestrated my acceptance into San Diego Christian College,” said Josh. “I applied for Officer Training School to commission in the United States Air Force in 2007 and have been serving on active duty ever since.” Josh met his wife Kristin, who is a graduate from The Master’s University and married her in November 2008.

“Since that blessed day, God has granted us many opportunities to travel and deploy all over the world,” said Josh. The Masopust’s have lived in Alabama, Arizona, New Mexico and even Japan, flying the mighty F-16 for the US military. “Last year, we were informed that we would need to move back to Luke AFB in Phoenix to train pilots on the new F-35,” said Josh. “We bought a house and currently reside in Surprise, Arizona, a suburb of Phoenix.” The Masopust’s have two wonderful children, Caleb (4) and Karissa (2).

“God knew the path I would be walking, even back when I attended SCCS,” said Josh. “He knew the spiritual grounding that I received in both junior high and high school would be necessary in future service to our country. In light of this truth, it is exciting to think of what God is doing now to prepare us for His future purposes!” Psalm 144:1

Teaching Minds, Training Hearts for God

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations."
Matthew 28:19a

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