This year’s 4th annual STEM Expo is underway!   Over the past three years, our scientists, engineers, and inventors have blown us away with their creativity and innovation.  We are eagerly looking forward to seeing what this year has in store!

Students in grades 3-8 are highly encouraged to submit an individual  project in one of six categories:  Invention, Engineering, Rube Goldberg, Robotics/Computer Science, Reverse Engineering, or Scientific Inquiry. 

Kindergarten through third grade will also be completing STEM projects together in class.  They will be learning about the process of planning, hypothesizing, and then testing their hypotheses while also incorporating reading and art.

We have made a few exciting changes to the Expo.  PRIZES will be given to the top projects in their categories.  A $50 cash gift card will be given to the winner of each of the six categories, and the top overall prize is a brand new iPad Pro! 

In addition, we will be choosing several projects to represent our school in the ACSI Science Fair in May. 

Lastly, all students who participate will receive extra credit points from their teachers. 

We are very grateful for our “STEM parents” who faithfully volunteer to help with this event.  Participating students will have a chance to meet with these experts for their milestone check-ins.  At these meetings, STEM parents will answer questions and guide the students as they talk through and plan their projects.  

If you are interested in being a STEM parent or judge on the day of the event, please email Lynn Kistler at [email protected]

Students will display and present their projects to the judges at the Expo on April 17.  The projects will also be displayed at Open House that evening.

This is another wonderful opportunity for students to learn and develop valuable critical thinking and 21st-century skills to prepare them for the future that God has for them.  In an ever-changing world, we strive to equip students for every opportunity that lies ahead.