On Monday, January 27, the SCCS community gathered to hear the State of the School Address. This evening was a presentation and culmination of 18 months’ worth of planning, praying, drafting, and visioning for the future as the final strategic plan was presented and considered.

“Over this year, we’ve gone through some significant successes and losses along the way,” shared Dr. Wilson. “In the midst of this, we’ve seen that as we hurt together, we heal together. As we hope together, we continue to work together. We are unified in looking to what God is wanting to do at our school.”

SCCS Committee Chair, Keith Miller shared his gratitude to the Lord for SCCS and encouraged families to continue preparing their children to be ready to grow on their own, spiritually.

“We encourage you to influence those whom God has entrusted you with to love God,” shared Mr. Miller. “Sometimes all the time we have is until they graduate. Get your children to a place where they can care for themselves spiritually before they graduate. We have a great God and only He can reach into the hearts and minds of our children. Thank you to parents for trusting us with your kids.”

Next, those in attendance enjoyed a celebratory video showing various aspects of the SCCS community.

“What you just saw in this video is not normal,” shared Dr. Jones. “This is not how education is done in most places in our nation. You saw students worshiping God, learning His word, in small class sizes. You saw them being loved and cared for by teachers who know them. You saw them serving their fellow man.”

Dr. Jones continued to share about preparations and updates regarding the strategic planning process.


“Our students can’t leave or escape this culture, just like we can’t, but they can be exactly what God wants them to be in this culture,” continued Dr. Jones. “They can be men and women who know right from wrong. Men and women who know how to move and change and make a difference in the world for the sake of the gospel. It is our job to provide a quality Christian education because this world needs leaders and it’s our job to partner together to disciple our children. I believe the mission of SCCS has never been more needed and the collective SCCS community must rise to the challenge.”

For 18 months, the administration worked to interview and assess all aspects of SCCS. This plan communicates the ‘how’ of the vision and mission moving forward.

‘We drafted and redrafted but what we landed on is this – it is our job to communicate a timeless truth in changing times,” shared Dr. Jones.

Dr. Wilson went on to share an overview of the strategic plan. “This plan and our focus must be about clearly proclaiming and representing the gospel of Jesus Christ,” said Dr. Wilson.

Parents who weren’t able to attend can read the full strategic plan and objectives on our website and watch State of the School address by visiting our Facebook page.